ImageMagick binaries available here.
convert ...
Save this as something like Image Converter.bat
and drop it in the same directory as your images. Optimized images will be generated in the "Output" folder.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title Image Converter
where convert>nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 goto errorInit
if not exist "%cd%/Output" mkdir "%cd%/Output"
set /a count = 0
for %%f in (*.jpg *.png *.gif) do (
echo Processing %%f...
convert ...
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 goto errorFormat
set /a count += 1
echo ^> !count! image(s) formatted successfully
goto eof
echo ^> ImageMagick is not installed on your system. Get a binary at:
goto eof
echo Error converting file!
goto eof
exit /B
sudo apt install imagemagick # Debian-based
sudo yum install imagemagick # CentOS/RHEL
brew install imagemagick # macOS
convert ...
cd "$(dirname "$0")" || return
if [[ -n "$(command -v convert)" ]]; then
echo " > ImageMagick is not installed on your system. Install it with:" >&2
if [[ -n "$(command -v apt-get)" ]]; then echo " sudo apt-get install imagemagick"; fi
if [[ -n "$(command -v yum)" ]]; then echo " sudo yum install imagemagick"; fi
if [[ -n "$(command -v brew)" ]]; then echo " brew install imagemagick"; fi
exit 1
mkdir -p output > /dev/null
for i in *.jpg *.png *.gif; do
echo "Processing $i..."
convert ...
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error converting file!" >&2
exit 2
(( count += 1 ))
echo " > $count image(s) formatted successfully"